Hola quien me ayuda hacer un programa en Pic compiler

23rd Jan 2020, 6:42 PM
cesar toro
13 odpowiedzi
Hi cesar toro I suppose you want to write a program to be compiled with the PIC specific compiler and then run it on a PIC microcontroller, right? So what should the program do?
23rd Jan 2020, 7:39 PM
Hello mark correctly is what I need to do a program in c compiler and if there is to pass it to Proteus to simulate it and do it in a Pic 16F877a I have to make a program that makes me 2 sequences of 5 different LEDs in the first sequence has to blink all the LEDs but only do this sequence when I enter a password with a swtch dip and the other sequence in the same way with another password but with another different sequence it could be that they only turn on the LEDs. Contrary that the password is incorrect they will not turn on the LEDs
23rd Jan 2020, 7:45 PM
cesar toro
Hola cesar toro Sorry what you wrote is quite confusing. I know how to read español, so you can write to me in español but since there is a long time I don't practice I can't write, so I will have to respond in English or if you prefer in Português. Again, en español de forma clara, que quieres hacer, cual es la tarea de programacion?
23rd Jan 2020, 7:53 PM
Si es correcto lo que me escribiste la primera vez sobre el programa si tengo que programar en c compiler y de hay pasarlo a proteus bueno al grano El programa tiene que hacer encender 5 leds de forma intermitente osea parpadeando pero siempre y cuando se Ingrese mediante un dip swicht una contraseña que es de 1243 son 2 secuencias en la otra secuencia puede ser que enciendan los leds y solo queden encendidos pero si ingresamos con el dip swicth lo siguiente 4312 caso Contrario si la contraseña es incorrecta los leds no prenderan
23rd Jan 2020, 8:00 PM
cesar toro
Me puedes escribir en Ingles portugués no
23rd Jan 2020, 8:00 PM
cesar toro
So, I have programmemd ARMs microcontrolers before using Proteus, not PICs, but I suppose the principles are the same. So using a DIP switch as input for the password you want to check which set of LEDs you want to turn on. In that case you need part of the PIC GPIOs to be set as input for reading the DIP switch and two orther sets of GPIOs to light the LEDs. Did you already set up the circuit project in Proteus?
23rd Jan 2020, 8:12 PM
No no puedo configurar proteus si no tengo hecho primero la programación porque en c compiler se hace la programación luego de que ya esté hecho el programa se compila y se abre Proteus pongo el Pic en proteus y le introduzco un archivo cof que da c compiler luego de que ya esté hecho el programa me hago entender?
23rd Jan 2020, 8:15 PM
cesar toro
I understand, but you can also use Proteus to do the coding, compilation and simulation.
23rd Jan 2020, 8:17 PM
I have Proteus in my notebook. I will try to do some experiments so that I can help you better, ok?
23rd Jan 2020, 8:19 PM
Tienes proteus el simulador de circuitos electrónicos oh que bueno me gustaría más que todo que me ayudaras con la programación en c compiler si puedes claro el resto ya me encargaría yo
23rd Jan 2020, 8:22 PM
cesar toro
Yes, I have proteus on my machine. But I will have to set it up to simulate PICs. So that I can code and simulate the program. I will try to help you as much as I can. Is this urgent?
23rd Jan 2020, 8:25 PM
La verdad si solo me quedan como 2 horas para presentar esta tarea y eh pedido ayuda algunas personas y nadie a logrado hacerlo :/
23rd Jan 2020, 8:28 PM
cesar toro
I see. It is a pity is so urgent. Without time to search for the control functions specific to PIC. I need you to tell me which is the C fuction to read/writw the PIC, GPIO port A for example.
23rd Jan 2020, 8:40 PM