+ 2
Is C/C++ important?
Can someone tell that wether C/C++ is important for getting a job in future?
17 odpowiedzi
+ 11
You should be fimilier with basic concepts of programming and should have a strong logic building. For which you should know at least one language, be it C/C++,python,java or anything else
+ 7
C/C++ is mostly vary important.
These languages are hard to learn but very useful and too fast and smooth.
Most of the popular 3d/2d game engine use C/C++
To create a good game, it can be easier to use XNA or Unity3D. Mastering C is a good first step, but you must learn C++, D, python, lua etc. C++ is a very difficult langage. C is great for game development.
You can also get exellent job in C/C++.
+ 7
C is important coz it's the mother of all modern programming language
+ 6
C is the basic feature of C++.
Where as C++ is extension or Improvised version of C language.
+ 5
C was the top most rated programming language in 2019 so I personally think that if you can really learn the language well, you will have plenty of job opportunities.
+ 3
It depends on the job. If you want to become a carpenter for example, it's not so important.
+ 3
It is important for me in my job (Specialist for system integration) and it can't hurt if you can program in c ++ ^^
+ 3
in my opinion : first set your goal .. second learn what ever you need to make your goal happen/real .. third sense you are in IT world never ever stop learning ... IT field never stops developing .. and you should get use to it . wish you luck
+ 3
Very important
+ 2
Thnx all for suggestions.
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Faraz salehi is right. And remember, thar IT is everywhere. Your digital laundry machine might have its systems coded with C. Or your microwave oven.
Code is everywhere, especially after 5G kicks in. C has been around from 1970's and C++ from I think 1980's and they're still used widely, and form a good base for the computer programs we use, and have used.
+ 2
Aryan C is the best for embedded soft (in microcontrollers)
+ 1
Learning C teaches you a syntax that is closely replicated in a quite a few other languages. So it can be a good first language for some.
+ 1
I believe c++ still have potentials, i mean it is pretty wide used and has alot of of applications, if done right tou can build what ever comes to your mind.
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