Pls What is wrong with this code
choice = input("What Operation do you want to perform(Add,Subtract,Divide,Multiply)") add_x = float(input("Enter Number 1:") add_y = float(input("Enter Number 2:") subtract_x = float(input("Enter Number 1:") subtract_y = float(input("Enter Number 2:") divide_x = float(input("Enter Number:") divide_y = float(input("Enter Number 2:") multiply_x = float(input("Enter Number 1:") mulitiply_y = float(input("Enter Number 2:") if choice == "Add": result = (add_x + add_y) print(z) elif choice == "Subtract": result = (subtract_x - subtract_y) print(z) elif choice == "Divide": result = (divide_x / divide_y) print(z) elif choice == "Multiplication": result = (multiply_x * multiply_y) print(z)
12 odpowiedzi
+ 3
Isabel You are right about 2 and 3.
As for 1, after input of choice the code continues with reading the numbers, so when reaching the if/elif it will have all the values it needs.
As a recomandation: is to move the input of numbers inside the cases so that he reads only 2 numbers. It doesn't need to read 8 numbers and to calculate only with two.
Or to read only two numbers before and to perform on those the chosen operation.
+ 3
Isabel You're welcome.
We solved the problem and agreed on everything.
Though it seems the OP "left the building" a while ago.
+ 2
There are 3 possible issues:
1. After the first input prompt, after readers choose add, subtract, etc, your code responds with result = (equation). You are missing a step in between, where you ask readers to provide values for add_x, etc, so the code is trying to calculate information that it does not have.
2. All of your float(input)) are missing the second ) on the right side.
3. If you use “result =“ to save the results of your calculations, your code will not be able to print(z). You have never told it what z means.
(All of these are problems I have all the time. So much of learning to code is learning to pay attention to details!)
+ 2
You only need three inputs:
1. the choice...
2. the first number...
3. the second number.
+ 2
Mihai I copied the code above into Code Playground and got “error parsing EOF” when it tried to read the float variables. Is it because Code Playground doesn’t support a second dialog box for user input?
+ 2
Short answer: yes, in Playground all inputs are delivered before execution of code.
Long answer:
After adding missing paranthesis and replacing variables z with result or result with z, it should:
In Playground:
Input all data on separate lines
and then SUBMIT
Input data as prompted.
Add return; 1 return; 2 return; 3 return;.....8 return
return as in enter key
+ 2
Thank you, Mihai
I stripped the code down to this and it did run on Code Playground.
choice = input("What Operation?")
x = float(input("Enter Number 1:"))
y = float(input("Enter Number 2:"))
if choice == "Add":
z = (x + y)
elif choice == "Subtract":
z = (x - y)
elif choice == "Divide":
z = (x / y)
elif choice == "Multiplication":
z = (x * y)
+ 1
You are missing some paranthesis when reading the numbers.
+ 1
You are storing the results in the result variable but you are printing z.
And I recomend to move the input statements 2 by 2 into the if/elif cases.
Is that all
I don't know much about Python, but as I understand your code correctly, it should be print(result).