+ 1
How do I implement closure algorithm in c
Closure in relation to database. Functional dépendances.
9 odpowiedzi
+ 6
Is it me or is Closure of Functional Dependency a bad joke that CS academics created to over complicate RDBMS for college students? 🤣😂
Seriously, this linked article is filled with a lot of theoretical abstract concepts that seems vaguely similar to rationalizing how to structure columns, a.k.a. attributes across table relationships. - Yeesh
I'm sure if I wanted to torture myself more, I could spend a few more minutes trying to decipher this further. But man... I don't get why it has to be so abstract.
🤓 #justsayin
+ 4
Closures in database theory are not remotely similar to closures in programming. One has to do with set theory and axioms used for relational databases. The other has to do with binding a function to an enclosed lexical scope.
+ 3
The Closure Of Functional Dependency means the complete set of all possible attributes that can be functionally derived from given functional dependency using the inference rules known as Armstrong’s Rules.
If “F” is a functional dependency then closure of functional dependency can be denoted using “{F}+”.
Thanks sir
But how do I implement it...
Did you read the page / url I included as it explains how to implement and close ?
I understand closure..but I don't know how to implement it with c programing
ok here is another approach way different link I was actually going to write this out... Yes I agree David they seem to never explain things easy ...
Thanks boss