Can I use "border" as property inside <img>?
I have used border="2px solid black" inside <img src=" "> to give a border around the image, but it doesn't working.
11 odpowiedzi
+ 1
Yes I noticed that you mentioned "solid", so I just edited my answer to include a link to border-style documentation too.
Next time if you meet this question, you can search in Google with query string : "solid CSS", there you can see w3schools and Mozilla Doc, both are good references. w3 is easier, MDN goes deeper with compatibility.
Here is border-style on w3schools, it is easier:
One more good site is csstricks, it teaches you how to do cool things.
For this topic, it is too simple, so not cool.
If it is media query, CSS tricks gives full list of device width for practical development.
+ 4
should be : not =
img {
your css scripts.
+ 3
Tasin R Hasan Do not use properties of element in html to specify css styles. The good practice is always use css selector, like Gordon mentioned.
+ 2
Tasin R Hasan Thanks for including your code. You are doing well in using <style> to include CSS.
For border-color, it is for color only. You need to use along with border-style and border-width. For a border to be visible.
Example :
MDN doc :
For border, it is the new shorthand property. Meaning one property in replacement of three properties. It saves our time from typing so many property names. Similar to border, we have animation, which is also a shorthand property.
MDN doc :
I also noticed you mentioned "solid", for border-style, apart from solid, you can use double, dashed, etc. You can look up border-style documentation and try them one by one.
MDN doc :
Gordon Visual Stdio has given me an option "border-color" I used that and it didnt work. Then I used "border" after that it work. why is that? what do "border-color" do then?
And also I have to use "solid" word before the color name, otherwise it is not working. why only color name doesn't work?
`Visual Stdio has given me an option "border-color" I used that and it didnt work. ` 👈 Can you provide your snippet for this one so we can examine?
Post in this way:
Martin Taylor Run this code. only "border" is working while "border-color" is not working.
Gordon Gordon Here it is brother. Replace "border-color" with "border" it will not work. I wanna know why. And also remove "solid" word then it also not work. I also wanna know why.
Gordon Thank you very much. It was helpful. can you tell me some more value like "solid" in this case?
put <style>
img{border:2px solid black;}
<img src="path/image.jpg" width="80px" height="80px" alt="NoImage">