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Why Java is not fully object oriented ?

Java Questions

19th Feb 2020, 6:49 PM
suvam kumar sahoo
suvam kumar sahoo - avatar
8 odpowiedzi
+ 6
Why do you say Java is not fully object oriented? Avinesh Ohh
19th Feb 2020, 6:54 PM
Kevin ★
+ 6
It is because of the primitive data types which do not have corresponding classes for them. Though we have wrapper classes for every primitive type but every object of the wrapper class undergoes unboxing internally before any operations are performed on it and autoboxing is done before they return any value. So internally they do not behave as objects and are dealt as primitives.
19th Feb 2020, 6:58 PM
Avinesh - avatar
+ 5
Because java has primitive data types
13th Mar 2020, 5:30 PM
Ketul Patel
Ketul Patel - avatar
Which languages are purely Object Oriented?
19th Feb 2020, 11:00 PM
Talha Yilmaz
Talha Yilmaz - avatar
- 1
Java is not fully object oriented because it supports primitive data type like it,byte,long etc.,which are not objects. All operations performed on objects must be only through methods exposed at the objects. To learn the concepts of java programming one can go for online java courses: https://www.cetpainfotech.com/en-ae/java-training-in-dubai
20th Feb 2020, 9:47 AM
Kritesh Anand
Kritesh Anand - avatar
- 2
Because in JAVA we use data types like int, float, double etc which are not object oriented, and of course is what opposite of OOP is. That is why JAVA is not 100% objected oriented.
20th Feb 2020, 5:22 PM
Rodesh Rai
Rodesh Rai - avatar