+ 32
🔥Facebook vs Solalearn 🔥 which of this you spent most of your time 🕜🕑🕑⁉
proof your Answer👍👍
81 odpowiedzi
+ 46
SoloLearn! ^_^
+ 30
Sololearn obviously.
+ 28
Sololearn definitely because I can learn a lot of programming rather wasting time on surfing Facebook
+ 26
Sololearn, but lets write this question in Facebook. (everyone know the answer) :)
+ 23
I used to be on Facebook on Holidays, but now I m in SoloLearn everyday
+ 22
I♡ love♡ Solalearn
+ 18
Definitely Sololearn, it's observable && powerful plus engages you to learn and serve!
+ 18
i have never been a fan of facebook... so you know my vote... lol
+ 18
SoloLearn is the app I use the most 😍
Facebook and Instagram even started sending me push notifications of comments that some of my friends posted a month ago! They're really trying to get me back 😨... so I uninstalled both apps last week ☺
+ 17
I've used Facebook exactly 3 times in over a year and only because some sites say my username and password don't match so I used Facebook as I was still signed in
+ 16
I'm an "introvert" Sololearn is perfect for me.
+ 16
SoloLearn > Facebook :B
+ 15
I don't have a Facebook account so I spend my time in gaming, study, sololearn and sometimes in G+(10 minutes a week)
+ 15
definitely sololearn
i think iam geting addicted to it 😉
+ 15
I am under 16, so I can't have a Facebook account. So the winner is Sololearn ❤❤❤
+ 14
I dont use facebook
+ 14
+ 14
sololearn 😁😁
+ 14
Got rid of facebook a long ago...
+ 13
Facebook, of course! (I'm joking. Do you think that anybody who is in Facebook would answer this question?) lol