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I want to know that what is difference between action tag in form html and header.filenane in html
What would happen if I write header.fikenane in form element and not write action. I want to know the difference between action and header.filename . Please help me
2 odpowiedzi
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The HTML action Attribute is used to specify where the formdata is to be sent to the server after submission of the form. It can be used in the <form> element.
In a regular HTTP response, the Content-Disposition response header is a header indicating if the content is expected to be displayed inline in the browser, that is, as a Web page or as part of a Web page, or as an attachment, that is downloaded and saved locally.
Content-Disposition: inline Content-Disposition: attachment Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="filename.jpg"
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Use action if you're working in HTML. Use Header if you're working in PHP.