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¿anyone know how to read this code: 0x2A3454 , "\x10\x40\x1C\x46", 4);
6 odpowiedzi
+ 2
incomplete code, without context...
+ first value is the hexadecimal representation of 2765908 (decimal)
+ second one is a string composed of 4 chars (wich are technically 4 bytes, no necessarly interpreted as char ^^) represented by their hexadecimal value representation: 16 (decimal, non printable), "@" (64, decimal), 28 (decimal, non printable), "F" (70, decimal)
+ third is the decimal digit 4
However, "to read" it, we must know the context, to get clues as how should each be interpreted ;P
+ 1
no, this is not complete:
1) there's no languages where a statement ends with a closing parenthesis without a starting one
2) until the language is not python, a parenthesis pair almost never comes alone and is usualy preceeded by a function name to call this function with arguments listed inside (and even in python, parenthesis alone are useless and rather are preceeded by an left-handed assignation part)
3) without the function (because I guess that's part of a function call) code, we doesn't have enough information (and even often one function isn't enough because data come from somewhere else and are finaly used somewhere else, if not other functions are called inside the first targeted one -- that's why COMPLETE CODE rather than sample is mostly required)
... and removing the best answer mark from my previous post at this time is premature: you could switch to another better answer if you think that another one deserves it, but for now, you didn't receive any other responses ^^
ok I will explain this to you this is a code to hack free fire it is a code that modifies the game now I pass you it is totally complete code and tell me in what programming language is the code written please here the code Patches.antenaBody = MemoryPatch ("libunity.so", 0x2A3454, "\ x10 \ x40 \ x1C \ x46", 4);
Well, that's better... even if anybody appart the author of the patch could tell you exactly what's impacted by this patch :P
However, the principle of .so file is mainly to encapsulate c/c++ libraries used by different processes (and storing themselve various tools for reading the data structure and interpret the CPU instructions). As they could only be accessed by source code compiler, the MemoryPatch function is probably a function to set a list of bytes (the string as 3rd argument) in a targeted .so file (the string as the 1st argument) starting at the address specified (as 2nd argument)...
Last argumeng could be anything (without knowing how exactly the function works, that's impossible to guess), and how values patched are acting (what's their exact purpose/meaning) would be only possible by dessambling (reverse compilation) the libunity.so library...
That certainly a cheat patch (for example giving you immortality or anything), but you also should be aware that could also be malicious code ^^...
Ok y en que lenguaje de programacion esta escrito ese codigo
If you're talking about the patched code, that's initialy C/C++, but compiled (so technically its low level CPU instructions languages: depends on the platform for wich the C/C++ code was compiled)
If you're talking about the language used to execute the MemoryPatch function, probably C/C++ also, but there isn't enough clues to be affirmative ;P