if i want to make an android app.....do i need to learn many programming languages ??....or by learning a single or double is ok
7 odpowiedzi
If you want access to the full functionality of an android based phone, you have to go with Java or Kotlin because both Compilers produce Java-Bytecode.
So yes, one programming language is enough!
Just with speed optimasation you will have to learn also C/C++ to extend to your Java-Bytecode
These are not programming languages, but depending on your project, you have to also learn these:
SQL => If you want creating a Database
XML => For Layouts
JS => If you want running a browser in your app
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Mobile app development choices
but android studio uses only Java & Kotlin language.....so how one can use the codes of C or C++
with third party tools.
hey i'm little bit familiar with java, so learning java will be easy fr me......and i can start my work as early as possible......whereas learning other languages like C/C++ will take lot of time.......so can i be able to make an full fledged app with java xml and sql....without learning c and c++
Of course you don't need to learn C/C++
Except you want to make a big impressive 3D Game with the need of high performance
ohh thanx.....your helped me a lot