I want a user to put in a name of a file, then copy the content into an array and save this array with the name of the input filename. Here is the code I am talking about: The array "items" represents the user input. Right now those items are fed into my function "einlesen" which returns the array with the data. This data is now written into the same array results but I want it to be written into the arrays "token", "user_id", and "app_id". Can someone help me out? var authToken = "token" var appName = "app_id" var user = "user_id"
1 Odpowiedź
I suggest making the object {authtoken = "token", appName = "appID", user = "userId"}, and then create as many objects as you need and fill them. In nodejs, objects are the most common data type, and then write at least to a file in a database