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What Best HTML Editors ?
What Best HTML Editors ? 😒
16 odpowiedzi
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I have always used VS Code. It's good.
But if you are started learning html css, then you should just use notepad or notepad++ which will help to memorize the way of writing the code
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There is no best HTML editor, it depends on what you like, but i do recommend visual studio code, it has perfect ux, extensions for easy workflow, intellisense, and updated recommendations.
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Like Sami Khan and Emebo Prosper have already said, VSCode is one of the best editors out there. It's free, easy to use, has intellisense, and even supports most programming languages...
But as a beginner, you need to memorize the code, and not just depend on intellisense. Notepad++ would be a great option. It also has plenty of customization...
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In my opinion about being a beginner is not about how much knowledge you know it is all about what you can do with what you have learnt
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I never sat down to memorise HTML tags but i know then because i use them a lot
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I am not saying you should not memorise, but i suggest that you should be more of understanding than memorising
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Sublime text is the most uswr friendly text editor out there. Its also the best for beginners. If you want to code faster i recommend brackets editor.
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If you are talking about lightweight and easily accessible you should use 'brackets' I am also using it perfect for html
Thanks for all
Brackets is free and you can live preview while editing. But notepad is good you can even use chrome.
Vs code
Notepad is best for clear doubt.
VSCode is best
Notepad is the besttttt