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How much time u need to learn different prog languages&(Html for 1 month,python for 3 etc..)<-for example
8 odpowiedzi
+ 2
It depends on the individual but from my experience, if you are learning at slow pace, it takes about a month to learn syntax of most high level languages. After that you just need to practice more and learn useful libraries written in the language.
High-level languages are languages that have human readable syntax. Most of the famous programming languages are high-level.
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That’s like asking how long it takes to learn the entire English language. It depends how much tine you spend learning so there’s no way to know and you’ll never master the entire thing.
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No you just have to be determined
First of all what language do you want to learn then you start it off and after you have become perfect then you try another language. For me there is no time in that !
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First of all, you need to set a goal. What do you want to do? If you want to be a webdev, then learn JS, HTML, CSS, SQL and other frameworks, like Node, Angular, etc. For a data scientist you need Python, SQL, maybe R, and deep knowledge of libraries like Pytorch, Scikit-learn, Keras, Numpy, Pandas. For a software/game developer, C++/Java/C# are the most commonly used.
One error I see beginners doing all the time is thinking that programming means learning syntax, which is totally false. Every language (with a few exception) shares the same concepts, like flow control structures, data types, etc. When you learn one language, you're on the way to learning all of them.
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If you've programmed before, you can learn a new syntax in a matter of days. I got into Lua from a Python and C background and in a matter of 2 days I had a prototype for a game, and by no means I'm an experienced programmer.
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Programming is not learning syntax, is learning the tools and libraries availabe to each language that is compatible with what you want to do.
Wildcard_Renegade yeah i've got it,but i want to get.. more detailed answer
Well..thx to everyone,who answered to my question