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Python 3 How to count the number of characters in a string?
How to count the number of characters in a string? I need to get this "aabbcc from this "a2b2c2". I roughly understand that this should be a loop inside a loop.
24 odpowiedzi
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What programming language will you use?
What you are asking for is a so called RLE (Run Length Encoded) conversion.
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Dmitry Bezruchko, Thanks. It can be done by using loops with a counter, regex is also possible. A solution is also to use itertools groupby.
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Dmitry Bezruchko, it still not total clear how the characters should be counted.
Input: "aabxcayyyfa" ( spaces are inserted for better readability)
(1) a4 b1 x1 c1 y3 f1 # this counted in the complete string
(2) a2 b1 x1 c1 a1 y3 f1 a1 # this is counted as consecutive characters
Is it like sample 1 or 2 or something else?
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Dmitry Bezruchko Show Ur attempt
And our community try to fix it
+ 2
Here are some examples of Run Length Encoding.
some also show reverse.
#To get this "aabbcc from this "a2b2c2".
inp = 'a2b2c2d11e22'
alph = [k for k in inp if k.isalpha()]
num = [k for k in (''.join((m,' ')[m.isalpha()] for m in inp)).strip().split(' ')]
print(*[i*int(j) for i,j in zip(alph,num)],sep='')
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Louis Thank you very much! My head already hurts from this task! I ran into a wall and cannot move on!
I am sorry! Python 3!
But the fact is that it is in Python! The point is how to do this with loops?
And how do you insert a link to the one you want to answer?
Abhay Lothar Jan Markus Hooray! I understand how to give a link! Thank you all very much for participating!
Jan Markus Heck! It is so simple! Thank you so much! I already broke my head!
Jan Markus But no! At first I was delighted, but then it turned out that if the characters are repeated then the code does not work. And they are repeated. How then to be?
Lothar Like in # 2
If like # 1, then adding to the dictionary works well. So suggested Jan Markus
Lothar So I asked how to do this using loops. But how? I do not understand!
By simply use len() function
As you mentioned Python,you can use len()
Eg.len(' abcd') will give 5 characters .You can definitely give it a try.
The function len("xyz......") can do that for you
in c language
you can use "strlen(variable name)" function