Need help
print("First string" + ", " + "second string") In the above why do we add double apostrophes after comma? + ", " +
7 odpowiedzi
+ 1
Sylvin Dias Anything you will write inside apostrophe will display in output.
+ 2
Because you want to add comma also between two string.
Your output will be :
First string, second string
+ 2
Sylvin Dias Yes it's for comma like you do with string.
+ 2
Sylvin Dias Check another example
print("2" + " + " + "2" + " = " + "4")
Here output will look like this
2 + 2 = 4
i get that! but what does the double appostrophe do? is it for the comma?
great got it! thank you👍
ahh okay! so I need to add “+” so I can see the plus in the output and the plus without the apostrophe is a function.