+ 1
It can be done by <a href=" ">messages</a>... If you want to take this link to your message box so you can write a value for the href...
6th Jun 2020, 2:59 PM
NEZ - avatar
+ 1
The link just led to a blank page because we have to provide a value in href which I had kept empty. If you want to go to a specific page then use its address. For example : To go to google.com use <a href="https://google.com">Text</a>
7th Jun 2020, 3:12 AM
NEZ - avatar
Thanks, I did this and it led to a blank page, but then, how do I put stuff there? Because I tried just creating a new section with the same id as the href one but it was just displayed in the main page of the website instead? What do I do? Thanks for the help friend : )
6th Jun 2020, 6:20 PM
Gabriel Biacchi
Gabriel Biacchi - avatar
Sure, but what if I want it to take us to a different sections of my website? Not a different one
9th Jun 2020, 12:38 AM
Gabriel Biacchi
Gabriel Biacchi - avatar