When we use double equal operator "==" for comparing two objects it will compare their addresses or hascodes generated by JVM?

8th Jun 2020, 3:01 PM
Sparsh Kathpal
Sparsh Kathpal - avatar
4 odpowiedzi
8th Jun 2020, 5:58 PM
Danijel Ivanović
Danijel Ivanović - avatar
+ 4
Hello Sparsh Kathpal You are right. == for objects compares their address. You can use == only for primitive datatypes (int, double, char...) For objects you have to use equals. For example: String s1 = "hello"; String s2 = "world"; s1.equals(s2) returns false.
8th Jun 2020, 3:08 PM
Denise Roßberg
Denise Roßberg - avatar
Hello Denise Roßberg As you are saying it will check the addresses of the objects but i have also one one doubt that in java there is no way to check what is the address of that object so how == check address. May be it is checking the hashcodes if hashcodes are equal than it will return true otherwise false. But i am not sure which is right it will check addresses or hascodes?
8th Jun 2020, 6:08 PM
Sparsh Kathpal
Sparsh Kathpal - avatar
As far as I know == compares only the address. The JVM does this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1382026/how-is-the-operator-implemented-in-java#:~:text=The%20%3D%3D%20operator%20just%20compares,just%20a%20standard%20object%20pointer.&text=When%20you%20compare%20two%20object,are%20a%20location%20in%20memory. The hash code is connected with equals(). Means two objects which are equal should have the same hash code. That's important when you override equals() and hashCode(). But I think you need hash codes for hashsets and hashmaps.
8th Jun 2020, 6:19 PM
Denise Roßberg
Denise Roßberg - avatar