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How to Make this is?
Ilustration : [inputtext] [button] i fill in inputtext be (test.html) [test.html] [button] then i click the button to open the link/new tab result : www.testing/tester/test.html
10 odpowiedzi
+ 1
Do you want the link to open in new tab? In that case, add target="_blank" to your a tag.
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Mr ASR what do you want then? Be a bit more clear.
if i fill in inputtext "test.html" then i click the button result in new tab :
www.testung/tester/test.html how?
Mr ASR hi,
It depends on how you set your button.
If you just have that element , then you can add an EventListener in js or a onclick attribute in the tag with a function set in js.
You can also nest a a tag inside your button and use target attribute as said by Sajid before.
Or use input of type submit instead of button and nest your inputs inside a form .
* <button onclick="myTest()">Test</button>
// Set a myTest() function in js to handle the button pressed.
* <button><a href="your link here" target="_blank">Test</a></button>
*<form action="your link" method="post">
<input type="text" name="test" >
<input type="submit" value="test button"">
//The submit will be handled on the serverside.
If you program on sololearn, the simplest would be the nested a tag.
Your test.html would be another bite of code.
You copy paste the link to it as your href in the a tag.
what i must add in the javascript? EmmanueLZ.
You'll find some ways to achieve what you want in this link.
Try by yourself, and if you're still stuck, post your try, so we check how to resolve it.
Don't forget, if your input contain part of the link , you'll have to get that value first, than treat in in a way it will be included in the full path of the URL, and then do the stuff to redirect.
Hope it will help, good luck.
And this link gives a more precise exemple for your case :
thanks bro for help
Is target=_blank only avaliable for computer?