+ 36
Do programmer actually memorise code?
108 odpowiedzi
+ 40
Memorizing won't take your far.
You need to understand the concepts no matter how long it takes for you to get it.
And all other things will come naturally.
+ 68
(NO, only when you've your exams the very next day.) 😅
Jokes aside, I've not seen any programmer memorising codes, I will say that repetition makes those code syntaxes like a second nature to programmers.
Why memorize when we can easily reference the syntax/concept in just a few clicks. **GOOGLE**
IMO [if you understand the problem well and have a good logic/algorithm ready with you, then there's no harm in copy pasting codes snippets from the web inorder to implement it]
+ 32
Memorizing full codes doesn't make much sense in my opinion, but I do memorize how to use stuff, like:
What arguments does function f take? What does it return? Where do I find it? What methods does a certain type have? How to use them? Also specifics of syntax etc.
If you want to prevent, that you have to google up stuff again and again (which can add up to wasted time), scheduled repetitions can help.
+ 22
Nope. I don't memorise chunks of code. But it is easier to remember some parts, patterns and algorithms in your code when you practice a lot.
+ 9
Watch this ( Memorizing in Programming )
And as RKK said, if you keep on using a language, you will automatically memorize many things, and people always search for stuff on google (even for the simplest things, because they forget)
+ 8
For me, mostly the main syntax, i.e. basic methods, creating functions, declaring variables, etc. The rest is to know where to search, and how to use logic.
+ 8
There's no need to but when you write a program that's so cool to the extend that you're obsessed with it and you want to master it, like you can just understand any data or information the program outputs within seconds and without stressing, I prefer you study the code instead of memorizing it. It's just like testing a game before deploying it, if you do that you'll understand every single corner of your code.
+ 7
Evil Puppet
Memorising stuff could be a lot of work at times. Doing this all the time would be violating the "lazy" mantra of programmers. I'd rather you perfected your "Google searching" skills. In addition your brain would eventually memorise stuff over time, even without you pushing for it... 👍🏼
... 🤔
However, I know of some really good programmers that memorise stuff but I don't vibe with it.
+ 6
No! A programmer doesn't have to memorise code, all u need is for you to be consistent with your practice, with time you'll get used to it.
Also the only time I think is ok for anyone to memorise a code it when you are having an exam .
+ 6
No need to memorize t codes because a programmer is always writing codes. Now how do you memorize everything.
Just keep practicing and with time you will find algorithms are part of you. This is achieved when when you have been following the syntaxes of the language to solve different problems.
That's how I think 🤔
+ 6
I would like to add a short answer : as you will start to code u will understand that most of the time u don't memorise the whole code bcoz u can take reference anytime . U just have to know things thats it. Just understand whts there in sololearn n then implement.
+ 6
Thing is, although googling stuff whenever you need it may feel like little effort the moment you do it, it does cost a bit of time and energy each time you do it.
If the conditions are in a way that googling adds up too much over time, just memorizing the item once and for all would be more efficient.
I identify three cases:
1.) You use something all the time.
You probably don't need to memorize it as long as you regularly write code - which you definitely should be doing anyway.
2.) Stuff you almost never need.
You probably won't have to memorize that either, because it's not worth the time and effort in comparison to just googling it the few occasions you use it.
3.) Stuff that doesn't come up all the time but just frequently enough to annoy you when you have to google it... yet another time.
In the third case, in my opinion memorization (together with practice) does make sense.
+ 5
P.S. I hate algorithms, I was never able to learn them properly. Too heavy for me.
+ 5
Programmers don’t memorize “codes”; they learn a language and then speak it through a keyboard to tell a computer what to do. The only stuff we memorize is the structure and words of the language necessary to that task and like any vocabulary, it grows over time. Kind of like know where stuff is in reference material. Once you see it a few times you tend to remember it.
But we aren’t pouring over previously written code like ancient scrolls trying to memorize them and glean meaning from them to be repeated somewhere else. Programming is an act of creation, not memorization. If you’re trying to remember pieces of code you’re already failing as a programmer because it means you never learned to think!
Programming is not a rote task. It is an applied art form, expressed in language made whole from thought. So no, you do not “memorize codes”; you learn to think and solve problems. The code flows naturally from there.
+ 5
no programmer don't actually remember every code we just remember the important stuff or the key words and add those key words and put them together, with things to make something cool.
+ 4
am quite sure programmers do memorize algorithms which they base on to code, but am pretty sure they don't really memorize code
+ 4
Memorizing keywords, syntax or a pattern is good practice but not a whole codes from start to end.. memorizing codes without u understanding is meaningless
+ 4
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+ 4
Memorising is important but a real programmer is the person who enjoys it and thus understands the concept first.