Finding root of this equation e^-x+cos(x^3+2*x-1) -12 using iteration method it's -2. 5486 exactly but it's oscillating
Help me correct this code so that it will be able to find root of any trancedental equation using iteration method. Here's my code Thanks in advance #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> #define e1 2.7182818 #define f(x) pow(e1,-x)+cos(pow(x,3)+2*x-1)-12 #define g(x) -log(12-cos(pow(x,3)+2*x-1)) int main() { int step=1, N; float x0, x1, e; /* Inputs */ printf("Enter initial guess: "); scanf("%f", &x0); printf("Enter tolerable error: "); scanf("%f", &e); printf("Enter maximum iteration: "); scanf("%d", &N); /* Implementing Fixed Point Iteration */ printf("\nStep\tx0\t\tf(x0)\t\tx1\t\tf(x1)\n"); do { x1 = g(x0); printf("%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n",step, x0, f(x0), x1, f(x1)); step = step + 1; if(step>N) { printf("Not Convergent."); break; } x0 = x1; }while( fabs(f(x1)) > e); printf("\nRoot is %f", x1); getch(); return(0); }