+ 8

What are the languages required to become and android dev( except Java ,Kotlin,XML)

9th Sep 2020, 5:33 AM
Abrar - avatar
48 odpowiedzi
+ 6
If you want to get the full power of your android device then I advice to learn c++. You are able to code Native Apps (NDK) or use the jni interface.
9th Sep 2020, 9:58 AM
Tris Megistos
Tris Megistos - avatar
+ 4
Kotlin is the best language for Android
9th Sep 2020, 2:43 PM
Utkir Seytmanov
Utkir Seytmanov - avatar
+ 3
In short flutter uses only Dart language not many languages like java XML kotlin used in android studio. So you need to learn only one language. Flutter code can run on both ios and os with the same code. Means you have to code only once. And one more thing is that flutter is fast.
9th Sep 2020, 5:51 AM
Aman Kumar
Aman Kumar - avatar
+ 1
The official language for Android development is Java. Large parts of Android are written in Java and its APIs are designed to be called primarily from Java. It is possible to develop C and C++ app using the Android Native Development Kit (NDK), however it isn't something that Google promotes.
10th Sep 2020, 12:30 AM
Sultan Alharbi
+ 1
And also python is good language to master + KivyMD is completely cross-platform ;) meaning if your making it for android, it will work on ios abd even windows!! Good luck
10th Sep 2020, 4:03 AM
LoloXploit - avatar
+ 1
Try C++ too
10th Sep 2020, 5:05 AM
EdianBC - avatar
+ 1
Even React native is useful
10th Sep 2020, 4:02 PM
Sanchayeeta Saha
Sanchayeeta Saha - avatar
+ 1
Firebase, c#, and c++ etc.
10th Sep 2020, 4:42 PM
rahul negi
rahul negi - avatar
+ 1
That should be adequate.
10th Sep 2020, 9:49 PM
Sonic - avatar
10th Sep 2020, 10:58 PM
Bryan Gustavo Vargas Madrigal
Bryan Gustavo Vargas Madrigal - avatar
You can learn dart and make using flutter.
9th Sep 2020, 5:37 AM
Aman Kumar
Aman Kumar - avatar
And figma provides the code for my design for android ,ios and css
9th Sep 2020, 5:42 AM
Abrar - avatar
The why should I learn Dart
9th Sep 2020, 5:42 AM
Abrar - avatar
You asked for other languages except those so I suggested you another language.
9th Sep 2020, 5:46 AM
Aman Kumar
Aman Kumar - avatar
Yeah! you are right but what i wanted to ask is what are the pros and cons of dart
9th Sep 2020, 5:48 AM
Abrar - avatar
Is it really worth learning as you have recommended
9th Sep 2020, 5:48 AM
Abrar - avatar
Yeah I knew about that already and I also knew that flutter uses dart But I didnt learnt it
9th Sep 2020, 5:53 AM
Abrar - avatar
I will try to learn it but i would like to suggest you that flutter apps consume much more memory than the same apps created without flutter
9th Sep 2020, 5:55 AM
Abrar - avatar
Thanks alot for your suggestion
9th Sep 2020, 5:55 AM
Abrar - avatar
Yeah it is. But I just suggested you to try another as I have worked with flutter and android. Both are good.
9th Sep 2020, 5:57 AM
Aman Kumar
Aman Kumar - avatar