I Need help [SOLVED]
I’m trying to make a “numbers to words” code but without def function. Also I can’t use ready modules. I define numbers as: number = input(“please enter any number: “) while not (number.isdigit()): print(“Only integers allowed”) print(“Type any integer here: “) number = input() single_numbers = [“”, “one”, “two”, “three”, ...] decimal = [“ten”, “twenty”, “fourty”, ...] hundred = [“hundred”,] thousand = [“thousand”,] million = [“million”,] word = “” length = len(number) len_num = length up_change = 0 while len_num > 0: if number == “0”: word = “zero” break else: for i in .......... . . . How to continue this one? Actually I’m asking for my native language. Because my language’s number system is different. For example: 11 = eleven but it’s like ten+one and 1000 = one thousand in English but one + thousand in my language. I want to see the logic and apply to mine. Beside list also dictionary is ok too. Thanks in advance.