+ 1
What skills are required of an IT / Software Engineer??
,..just want to gauge a ballpark average of which order I should start in 😅
12 odpowiedzi
+ 4
Unit testing.
+ 3
😂 OK.
- Next is front-end: html, css, JavaScript, jQuery.
- Python for web application.
- Exercise problem solving.
- Sql
- Design patterns
And from that point you need to decide what kind of direction you want to continue.
+ 3
+ 2
Only one - continuous learning!
+ 2
Start with the first point. In these days JavaScript is everywhere. The second point is optional but is connected with Python. The SQL is a language for relationship data base, and you always need to store / retrieve informations.
+ 2
The ability to develop software.
+ 2
Requiments analysis.
+ 1
You're awesome A! I legit screenshot your response above and I'm treating it as gospel lmao
Lol c'mon gimme something to chew on,...I'm learning Python now, what else is expected?? ,..if you know at all.
,..what is SQL used for predominantly? ,..and also, do they have to be in any specific order? Or as you listed??
😁 Nice!
Thank You Sonic,...I suppose my next question is can one learn these skills via the list which AHTOHNO listed above ☝🏼??