How exactly do you install python and start making python codes?

When I search that question, I usually get something like.. $pip install.. But like.. where exactly do you put that? in the code editor or ... where? Also may I ask what code editor you guys use to edit... specifically for python.

30th Sep 2020, 8:54 PM
Ginfio - avatar
14 odpowiedzi
+ 3
w¡1d3r💤 okay. i don’t have my laptop on me right now, but i’ll try later and see what happens.
2nd Oct 2020, 1:17 PM
Ginfio - avatar
+ 2
https://code.sololearn.com/WykoN7bcDsgX/?ref=app check searchbar and languages section
30th Sep 2020, 10:09 PM
Uri Easter
Uri Easter - avatar
+ 2
No name, Once you install it, do you start coding then, on a code editor? And btw, when I try to install, it says no command found, or something like that. I donno, so confused
1st Oct 2020, 5:03 PM
Ginfio - avatar
+ 2
1st Oct 2020, 6:40 PM
Ginfio - avatar
+ 2
That’s alright. thanks anyways. I’ll do some more research and see if i can figure out. Using the previous research i’ve done and the future and the link u game me. _
1st Oct 2020, 6:54 PM
Ginfio - avatar
+ 2
w¡1d3r💤 do you first download python first?
2nd Oct 2020, 1:14 PM
Ginfio - avatar
+ 2
Linux:- sudo apt-get install python3 Windows:- Go to Microsoft Store and install from there! I personally prefer sublime generally because idk it feels different cant really put my finger on why, but for web development, visual studio code because of extensions mostly and looks cool!
2nd Oct 2020, 8:40 PM
Adarsh Kunwar
Adarsh Kunwar - avatar
+ 2
Wild3r. Okay I already looked at that website, and now that I looked at it again, I understand. thanks. Okay, so python --version it says 2.7.16 But I recently installed 3.8.5. Following the same website you gave me the link to. (i used the first method) is there a way to update the version?
3rd Oct 2020, 1:36 AM
Ginfio - avatar
+ 2
Okay, I won't delete old version. With the 3.8, I am able to open the idel, and type print("aaa"). it works. Thank you for getting me this far. Really appreciate it. I was really puzzled, and now the picture is coming together well. Thanks again.
3rd Oct 2020, 1:41 AM
Ginfio - avatar
+ 2
w¡1d3r💤 o, and one more question. Code editors: Sublime text, Bracket 2 I tried using these two code editors to write my python code. after i write the code, I don’t see anything that i can press to make the code run. Usually with html, there is a “run” / “preview”. Not specifically on these 2 code editors, but ... Just in general, when writing python... is there a specific code editor for it, or am i missing the run button on the code editor apps?
3rd Oct 2020, 6:24 AM
Ginfio - avatar
+ 1
Wild3r, it says command not found when I typed "py" or "py3"
3rd Oct 2020, 1:21 AM
Ginfio - avatar