+ 19
Dropbox issue & its alternatives
So I'm facing this problem a lot these days . Most of the time the Dropbox links work smoothly but don't know why, sometimes they suddenly stop working and won't load at all. All of my Dropbox links which I've used aren't working now ( you can check ) . So I'm looking for a feasible solution to this problem possibly an alternative ( imgbb has its own cons so I won't switch to imgbb ) . Any alternatives or solutions guys ?
16 odpowiedzi
+ 29
https://postimage.io/ (Unlimited Bandwidth, Free to use but compresses image)
https://lensdump.com (Unlimited Bandwidth, Keeps Exif Data, More features for registered users and Free to use, 100MB max image file size)
http://cubeupload.com/ (Amazing and simple interface, Unlimited Bandwidth, Raw Uncompressed images, Free to use, 5MB max image file size)
https://flickr.com (This one is not for everyone, it is basically a service to showcase your artistic work but works as image host as well, owned by Yahoo!)
Don't use the these image hosts; Get miles away from them..but might be useful for certain cases :
https://tinypic.com (Old Outdated interface, No multi image upload support, Compresses image, No hotlinking)
https://imgur.com (Compresses images, biased and deletes images based on their own opinion)
https://photobucket.com (Old, Can't upload images as guest, Parent company of Tinypic, so even worse than tinypic)
https://imageshack.us (Only paid accounts have unlimited bandwidth)
+ 14
🔰 Justin 🔰 here are two threads which might help. https://www.sololearn.com/discuss/2338230/?ref=app
+ 10
🔰 Justin 🔰 ohh my bad..
+ 8
I dont see any problem in using imgbb👀
+ 8
GitHub is #1 for sure
Unlimited unbiased forever
1. Make a private repository
2. Upload an image
3. Click on raw
4. copy the adress url
+ 6
Thanks a lot EnCoDeR
And I started using lensdump
And best part is , it doesn't compress or resize the image :)
+ 3
If you deleted your local dropbox files, the file on Dropbox would be deleted as well
+ 3
Calviղ , No
I can see those files in my Dropbox app
+ 3
ProtonDrive is coming soon!!!
+ 3
There is many alternetive ways to add image, you can watch video from youtube.
+ 3
Media fire can also be a good alternative.
+ 2
Check this out 🔰 Justin 🔰
Is this helpful❓
+ 2
you can use BOX by microsoft.
much reliable.
upload your images and turn "sharing" on.
copy and view the link on your browser.
you should see the image link.
+ 1
http://startupstash.com/Dropbox -alternatives
+ 1
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Thanks and happy coding
- 5
Thenks all of people to discuss massage on sola.