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What is meaning by this symbol. (!)???
25 odpowiedzi
+ 8
The ! is the path of math. Exclamation point is named as the factorial. For example, 5! = 120 which is 5! = 5×4×3×2×1. Formula, n! = n (n - 1) (n - 2)........
+ 6
(! =) Not equal to (in programming languages).
(!) false (in programming languages).
(!) factorial in Math.
(!) Exclamation! Mark in English.
+ 4
All right thank
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!== is NOT equal to in JavaScript
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!= is not equal
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In programming, it used to mean not e.g. ! = not equal. And in maths it's called factorial e.g. 5! = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 = 120
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It's 'logical NOT' sign, if condition is true using not you can make it false and if it's false you can make it true .Example
!(2==2) is false
!(3<1) is true
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Galaxy-Coding (use the search bar) Not only in JS but in Java, Python and many more programming languages
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it means not..for example 3!=0 means 3 is not equal to zero
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it means not. can be used in 2 ways (to my knowledge) e.g.:
if(!input){console.log(‘you havent typed anything man!!’)}
if(x!=5){console.log(‘nope, x is not 5’)
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Diffrent or not equal
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In python language != means not equal for example 6/4!=3
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"!" This means 'not equal to ' in any programming language
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!= not equal to in programing languages.
! = Factorial in mathematics.
Not equal
In some programming language, you use != to see if two things are not equal. In math, ! is the factorial symbol, eg, 5!=5*4*3*2*1.
Not symbol
! Is Exclamation mark while != Is Not equal
If u have a one element as eg a=5 then we use ! It refer " not" then !a means not a i.e., not 5 so 'a' value be not 5 it a value be false as 0
Example, 3!4 = True