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Road to fullstack web developer
My pursuit has always been to become a web developer, I want to build various apps, want to have the ability to know how to solve any problem that code can solve. for example, let's say someone comes to me and explain the kind of a web application that he or she wants, I want to be able to know the particular language that I will be needing to get the job done. in conclusion, can someone tell me the major programming languages that I need to learn in order to become a fullstack web developer.
6 odpowiedzi
+ 2
If you want to become a full stack Web developer, I recommend checking out FreeCodeCamp. It's a nonprofit organization that is centered around Web development, and looks at every aspect. You can simply learn the content for free, or pay at the end and get a full stack liscence, back end developers liscence, and front end developers liscence. The website teaches you html, Javascript, CSS, bootstrap, PHP, and SQL. At the end, you make a real website for a business or organization, proving your skills and helping you build your portfolio. Hope this helps, and good luck!
LINK: https://www.freecodecamp.com
+ 1
thanks @fast track programming
+ 1
thanks guys.
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mean stack, is it a JavaScript library or framework?
Python is a great language for the web, another is JavaScript.
Or you could learn Node.js. It's a platform that allows you implement JavaScript on the backend.
Get familiar with HTML, CSS, JavaScript then think of learning the MEAN stack and you'll be right on your way.