Code Coach Military Time

Ques:Change the 12 hour clock to 24 hour clock system Input: 6:32 PM Output: 18:32 n=input().split() x=n[0].index(':') if(n[1]=='PM'): n[0]=str(int(n[0][:x])+12)+n[0][x:x+3] print(n[0]) I have tested this code with various of inputs and all of them came out correct but in the code coach it fails 2 hidden tests idk what the problem is

1st Jan 2021, 10:23 AM
Vipul Varshney
Vipul Varshney - avatar
4 odpowiedzi
+ 5
I quickly tested your code and found 2 things you may wish to address. 12:30 AM should return 00:30 1:30 AM should return 01:30 This challenge highlights the need to fully understand a concept before being able to code the requirements. You might want to research a bit about military time, so you can catch all the variances. Hope this helps
1st Jan 2021, 10:35 AM
Rik Wittkopp
Rik Wittkopp - avatar
+ 1
Thanks i didnt think about that
1st Jan 2021, 10:42 AM
Vipul Varshney
Vipul Varshney - avatar
+ 1
you are using python so ‘datetime, & strptime’ will be the best for this Code Coach
1st Jan 2021, 10:48 AM
**🇦🇪|🇦🇪** - avatar
Here is c# code to answer this question first you need know its am or pm if its am you need just hour:minute without modify but if its pm add 12 to hour and you must know that you need to show hour and minute in two digit like 2:3 pm 》 14:03 string clock=Console.ReadLine(); char[] partSign={':',' '}; var sep=clock.Split(partSign); int hour=Convert.ToInt32(sep[0]); int minute=Convert.ToInt32(sep[1]); string am_pm =sep[2]; if(am_pm =="PM") { hour+=12; } Console.Write(hour.ToString("00")+":"+minute.ToString("00"));
1st Jan 2021, 10:42 AM
Artemis Ariamehr
Artemis Ariamehr - avatar