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How to clear console screen in Java?
Its possible in C++ but, I want to clear console screen in Java. Is it possible, if yes how?.
3 odpowiedzi
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Android terminals respond to ANSI escape sequences. To clear the screen, print:
chr(27) + "[2J"
then put the cursor at 0,0 by printing:
chr(27) + "[0;0H"
You may combine those into one string.
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Though there is no such support on Java. But other way round by calling relevant OS command like cls or clear
if( System.getProperty( "os.name" ).startsWith( "Window" ) ) {
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cls"); //Windows os
} else {
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("clear"); //Linux based
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@Decender Mahajan that's doesn't goona work for me as I am using AIDE JAVA COMPILER in Android. Still Thanks