Coding for the following sequence.

This problem is about sequences of positive integers a1,a2,…,aN. A subsequence of a sequence is anything obtained by dropping some of the elements. For example, 3,7,11,3 is a subsequence of 6,3,11,5,7,4,3,11,5,3 , but 3,3,7 is not a subsequence of 6,3,11,5,7,4,3,11,5,3 . A fully dividing sequence is a sequence a1,a2,…,aN where ai divides aj whenever i < j. For example, 3,15,60,720 is a fully dividing sequence. Given a sequence of integers your aim is to find the length of the longest fully dividing subsequence of this sequence. Consider the sequence 2,3,7,8,14,39,145,76,320 It has a fully dividing sequence of length 3, namely 2,8,320, but none of length 4 or greater. Consider the sequence 2,11,16,12,36,60,71,17,29,144,288,129,432,993 . It has two fully dividing subsequences of length 5, 2,11,16,12,36,60,71,17,29,144,288,129,432,993 and 2,11,16,12,36,60,71,17,29,144,288,129,432,993 and none of length 6 or greater. Solution hint Let the input be a1, a2, …, aN. Let us define Best(i) to be the length of longest dividing sequence in a1,a2,…ai that includes ai. Write an expression for Best(i) in terms of Best(j) with j<i, with base case Best(1) = 1. Solve this recurrence using dynamic programming. Input format The first line of input contains a single positive integer N indicating the length of the input sequence. Lines 2,…,N+1 contain one integer each. The integer on line i+1 is ai. Output format Your output should consist of a single integer indicating the length of the longest fully dividing subsequence of the input sequence. Test Data You may assume that N ≤ 2500. Example: Here are the inputs and outputs corresponding to the two examples discussed above. Sample input 1: 9 2 3 7 8 14 39 145 76 320 Sample output 1: 3 Sample input 2: 14 2 11 16 12 36 60 71 17 29 144 288 129 432 993 Sample output 2: 5

20th Mar 2017, 3:13 PM
sangeetha sheeba
sangeetha sheeba - avatar
1 Odpowiedź
Please help me to solve this. It's very urgent.
20th Mar 2017, 3:13 PM
sangeetha sheeba
sangeetha sheeba - avatar