Pig latin help
1. Make a function that returns an integer representing the position of the first vowel encountered in a word. If no vowels are present in the word the function should return -1. 2. Make a function that takes a word as a parameter, translates the word into pig latin and returns the translated word. In piglatin, words that start with vowels end in "way". Words that start with consonants end in that consonant + "ay". If the word starts with a "q" translate the "qu" to the end. Use your function from problem #1. Some examples: hello -> ellohay anchor -> anchorway big -> igbay quick -> ickquay marshmellow -> arshmellowmay apple - > appleway python -> ythonpay 3. Make a program that translates a string into pig latin. Make sure you get the capitalization and punctuation to work. Use your function from problem #2. Sample: Enter a string: The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. Translation: Ethay ickquay ownbray oxfay umpedjay overway ethay azylay ogday.