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Write a program in c that will display menu below:
1. Enter Data in File 2. Retrieve Data from File 3. Delete File Enter your choice_ When a user enters value 1 via keyboard, the program will prompt the user to enter his first name and surname on a file name invitation.txt in directory D://client. The program MUST make use of function putc(). When a user enters value 2 via keyboard, the program should retrieve the names saved in file invitation.txt. The program MUST make use of function getw(). When a user enters value 3 via keyboard, the program should ask the user Are you sure you want to delete the file? Y/N. If the user types Y the program deletes file invitation.txt else it will output Delete process aborted.
3 odpowiedzi
+ 2
Seems to be your homework. Anyways post what you have tried so far
+ 2
VANUEL NYATIKA24 file handling in c =>
Or if you have written something , share the link to code here.
+ 1
No idea