I was told about the engine on c, and what do you know for the c++?
3 odpowiedzi
+ 4
Please be more descriptive when posting a question. It's not clear what "engine" you talked about.
And please tag the thread properly ☝
+ 3
Hello! Your question is very popular and has been asked in this section a huge number of times. Please, try using the search bar in other cases. It is located at the top of the mobile app window and looks like a magnifying glass icon. Good luck!
Игровые движки:
- Unity(С#),
- Cryengine V (на языке C++),
- Unreal engine 4 (игры для pc, vr, playstations), языки основные для изучения - C#, C++
- JavaScript (движок Construct 2)
Gamemaker (только 2D, знать ЯП не надо)
2D движки для начинающих:
- Stencyl (конструктор),
- RPG-maker,
- Ink - free дополнение для Unity (язык html, С#).
- GameMaker Studio2 (платный 100$, технология drag&drop)
Совет как программист программисту: "учитесь гуглить!" это один из основных навыков, который необходим
The Easiest Game Engines Ever:
DirectX(Construct Classic)
C++(Unreal Engine)
Lua(LOVE 2D)
BASIC(Blitz Basic,Which Have Max And Plus And 3D,Also Are All Free And Open Source)
Q:Why GDevelop 4 And 5 Instead Of Construct 2 AND 3 In HTML5?
A:Cause Construct Is NOT Cross-Platform NOR Fully Free NOR Open Source