+ 2
How this program outputs 3?
3 odpowiedzi
+ 3
M. Jawahirullah
You can see here how is 3
+ 2
Your code :
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int val=0;
for(int i=0;i<7;i++)
return 0;}
Here intial value of val is 0 , in for loop you are adding i%2 in val. i%2 will add 1 whenever i will be odd number. Your loop is from 0 to 7. In first iteration val+=i%2 will add nothing in val as i=0 as 0%2=0. At second time i will be 1 so 1%2=1 , and here 1 will be added in val so it will became 1. At next 2%2=0 , so val=1 next 3%2=1 so val =2 , next 4%2=0 so val =2 , next 5%2=1 so val =3 , next 6%2=0 so val =3. And after that i will be 7 and therefore loop will be breaked. So finally the value of val is 3 . That's why it's output is 3.
+ 1
0%2 = 0
1%2 = 1
2%2 = 0
3%2 = 1
4%2 = 0
5%2 = 1
6%2 = 0
0+1+0+1+0+1+0 = 3