+ 13
How To Convert a Hashed Text to Plain Text??????
Cryptography Encryption Algorithm To Hashing Algorithm.... Then in order to Break Encryption, we need to change Hashed Valued Text to Plain Text... How??????
4 odpowiedzi
+ 9
no way: hash are one way encryption... you cannot 'decode/convert' it.
the only ways to retrieve the original text from its hash value, is to store it before hashing, along with the hash value, or doing dictionnary attack (breaking encryption suppose you do not have access to original/hash table if it exists), as more than once string could be transformed in same hash value ^^
+ 2
visph You know that Dictionary Attack is So Useless in terms of Strong Encrypted Text..... But Is it Possible if I Sniff the Original Text form Sender I will be able to Modify it in the Middle Path way.....whereas The receiver will not Get the Original One..... Is it Possible?????
+ 1
Nariman what you are explained is to do a dictionnary attack ^^
md5 is no more considered as secure hash, as it could be easily breaked (as you stated, there are md5 databases to lookup), but more robust hash algorithm are hardest (if not impossible) to break ;P
usually (if system is safe enough), sensitive plain text are not send to server... only the hashed value ^^
all the more if the hash is only used as part of more robust encryption...