Hello World can you please tell me what is my error
5 odpowiedzi
+ 3
Please share your code so that we can help you.
+ 3
Hey there DON'T GIVE UP,
The code won't work because it's not complete.
Perhaps it's not complete because you received the character limit, so just put it in a code playground so we can see the whole one.
Second, as Denise Roßberg already said, it's copied without giving any credits.
Here the proof:
Just make it private.
Thanks :)
+ 2
Do you mean this code?
First: I am sure that it is a copy, so please make it private.
Second: If you want to run a html code than choose html as language, not c++
+ 2
Major シ
Thanks for your help!
I made the code private. Please make sure that you don't make copied codes public.
+ 1
<!--Study The code as much as you want. But don't use without permission.-->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>3D House || [No Canvas] 🏡</title>
<div class="app">
<div class="ground">
<div class="lt"></div>
<div class="soil s1">
<svg class="ssv">
<path fill="#966c3b" d="M 50 300 V 0 H 0 C 0 150 10 150 10 300 Z"/>
<path fill="#d0af84" d="M 50 300 V 0 H 15 C 15 150 25 150 25 300 Z"/>
<path fill="#ffe6ca" d="M 50 300 V 0 H 30 C 30 150 40 150 40 300 Z"/>
<div class="soil s2">
<svg class="ssv">
<path fill="#966c3b" d="M 0 0 V 300 H 50 C 50 150 40 150 40 0 Z"/>
<path fill="#d0af84" d="M 0 0 V 300 H 35 C 35 150 25 150 25 0 Z"/>
<path fill="#ffe6ca" d="M 0 0 V 300 H 20 C 20 150 10