How to convert pnj, jpg into Link in HtMl? Plzz help me
7 odpowiedzi
+ 4
<a href="page.html" >
<img src='img.png'>
+ 3
you could convert image to base64 url encoded... but that could be heavy in source code:
there are tons of online free converter that you can easily find by a google search ;)
+ 1
Can you explain how to specify the absolute URL to image.
absolute urls could skip protocol (it will be inherited by the page url protocol) by only using //:
however, this means that your image host should handle both http and https protocols, as you don't know wich one will be used ^^
this following site easily converts PNJ to JPG, yet not reversed as far as I found
just Choose the PNJ file through button on the WEBD-to-JPG page , then hit the lower Convert button, scroll further down and download the JPG image thereafter