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Code coach - Password validation
I think the object of this quiz is count to find how many specific characters are in the input. I solved it but i think there are better ways because if there are thousands of characters to find, my way will take a day or more. If there are better ways to count something in string or to shorten my code, please let me know. Here is my code p=input() count_num=p.count('0')+p.count('1')+p.count('2')+p.count('3')+p.count('4')+p.count('5')+p.count('6')+p.count('7')+p.count('8')+p.count('9') count_chr=p.count('!')+p.count('@')+p.count('#')+p.count('%')+p.count('&')+p.count('*')+p.count('
#x27;) if count_num >=2 and count_chr >=2 and len(p)>=7: print('Strong') else: print('Weak')6 odpowiedzi
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Try my solution:
symbols = ['!', '@', '#', '#x27;, '%', '&', '*']
numbers = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']
i = str(input())
s = sum(1 for j in i if j in symbols)
n = sum(1 for j in i if j in numbers)
if len(i) >= 7 and s >= 2 and n >= 2:
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There are many ways to resolve this challenge.
You could create separate filters for nums & specials for example, then compare the input against the filters - increasing the count of the item as it appears.
Add in the length of the password and you have everything you need to determine the output
+ 1
Tomáš Konečný you imported numpy but never used it!
Thanks a lot guys.
Thanks for noticing 😆
There is another approach
digits = "0123456789"
symbols = "@#₹_&-+/"
lettercount = 0
symbolcount = 0
password = input()
for lt in password:
if lt in digits:
lettercount += 1
elif lt in symbols:
symbolcount += 1
if symbolcount > 2 and lettercount > 6: