I really dont understnd ES6 can anyone help in simpler form
need help
10 odpowiedzi
+ 5
ECMAScript 6 is the version of ECMAScript, general-purpose programming language which main implementation is JavaScript. Information about ECMAScript: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECMAScript
What has changed in JavaScript with ECMAScript 6 (with examples): https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_es6.asp
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Hi! please specify what exactly is not clear to you? what are objects in javascript?
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to put it simply, in javascript everything that you take is an object
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javascript objects are not messy...
javascript objects use prototypal inheritance unlike most of OOP languages (wich use class inheritance)...
es6 introduce 'class' syntaxic sugar to let users forgot that under the hood there's always prototypal inheritance...
even if 'class' introduce shorter code declaration, you must understand how prototypal inheritance works to good deal with them (the mess is here ^^)...
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I believe es6 introduces classes because lot of users claims for it, not to reduce the mess (as I think it rather augment the mess ^^)...
the only thing classes allow that you cannot do without, is to properly inherit from built-in such as Array ;P