SoloLearn Pro auto Subscription? refund?
I initially downloaded sololearn through the appstore, I have no recolection of having subscribed to its pro service and if I did it was probably the free trial since I don't see it available anywhere. I just noticed today (from my bank account) that I was charged for its "Annual" subscription, it's been a week now since I was charged but just noticed of that today. Does the free trial just simply auto subscribes you to the full one once it's done? Because I had no intention to subscribe and pay such a large fee for the pro version (or have any recollection of doing so), I just wanted to try it out. I have read about their refund policies which indicates that a refund is possible within 48 hours of the payment. But as I said I had no intention of doing so, it all happened automatically without my knowing. Are there no other exceptions to these policies? because I frankly just feel robbed now.