+ 11

Which is the best framework? I started learning w3 framework...but i still need advice. I made a code using w3 framework.

Which is the best framework? I made a code TalkWallk using w3 framework check that..

23rd Mar 2017, 9:59 PM
Suyash Purwar
Suyash Purwar - avatar
2 odpowiedzi
+ 4
Some people would prefere bootstrap for its cross-browser compatibility. Some others would avoid bootstrap as it may "imprison" them within its limitations. It's up to you to decide, not what is the best framework, but what framework is best suited for your needs.
23rd Mar 2017, 10:55 PM
seamiki - avatar
+ 3
W3.css is a framework provide by W3C . Actually framework decreases the work to do, it means what you want are already coded in framework . You just follow the method what the W3C allowed to you. Or refer w3schools.com
2nd May 2017, 3:57 AM
Bharath - avatar