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33.2 Nearest Bathroom Practice help
Getting the right output but wrong format. Not sure what to do. n = int(input()) n = list(range(0, n, 5)) print(n) A group of buildings have restrooms on every 5th floor. For example, a building with 12 floors has restrooms on the 5th and 10th floors. Create a program that takes the total number of floors as input and outputs the floors that have restrooms. Sample Input 23 Sample Output 5 10 15 20 You can define a range with the corresponding rules and output the numbers in that range. Remember, that range(a, b) includes a, but does not include b.
20 odpowiedzi
+ 6
You can use a for loop instead of list().
Range should be started from 5 since 0 isn't included in sample output
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thanks Simba. here is what worked. always a little surpised myself when it does.
n = int(input())
for n in (range(5, n, 5)):
thanks ChaoticDawg dont know how to do all of that but appreciate the options
+ 3
You need to do the range as Simba stated. Then you can either use a for loop or list compression or use the unpack operator (*) and set the seperator value of the print function to a newline (sep='\n') to get the desired output.
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Zach Z
A list comprehension will be similar to your for loop;
[print(n) for n in range(5, int(input()), 5)]
While using the unpack operator is a bit different.
print(*range(5, int(input()), 5), sep='\n')
You will learn a bit about each in the courses.
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A group of buildings have restrooms on every 5th floor" stated in the question
So if someone input 25 that means there must be a restroom in 25th floor, so to include 25th floor we have to use
n = int(input())
for n in (range(5, n+1, 5)):
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First please create your attempt on SL Playground and provide the link here with you question.
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n = int(input())
#your code goes here
for i in room:
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Don’t forget the colon after the for loop…. 🤦🏻
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n = int(input())
#your code goes here
for bathroom in range(5,n,5):
print (bathroom)
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n = int(input())
#your code goes here
for i in range(5, n, 5):
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Hi, did you get it?, I did the following but I only passed the first 4 tests, I still need the last one
n = int(input())
#your code goes here
nums= list(range (5,n,5))
for x in nums:
print (x)
+ 1
I tried same code,
n = int(input())
for a in range(5,n,5):
print (a)
but the last one, case 5 is not working! Kindly assist if anyone was able to solve this
+ 1
hey ppl here is my coden = int(input())
#your code goes here
for i in room:
but still case 5 does not works,i stuck badly here :/
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Hi all i have the same issue:
Test case 5 allways fails and i dont understand why?
n = int(input())
#your code goes here
floors = list(range(5,n,5))
for bathroomfloor in floors:
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Sanjim had the correct answer I was looking for to get test case 1 through 4 but also case 5. Can someone please explain to me though why it's range(5, n+1, 5) and not range(5, n, 5)?
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The solution is incorrect. The range is (5, n+1, 5). Not (5,n,5) as the solution indicates. Remember that a list goes from (including) the first number to (excluding) the second number. So to include the 25th floor you need to increase the range
Using the for loop will always start at 0. you can bypass this by adding a continue statement that simply tells the loop to skip this part of the range :)
n = int(input())
#your code goes here
numbers = list(range(0, n, 5))
for i in numbers:
Hi. This is my code. Test cases 1 to 4 pass but test case 5 fails and I don't understand why. Please help:
n = int(input())
for i in range(5, n, 5):
I think my code is also easy and understandable.
n = int(input())
for n in range(1,n):
if(n % 5 == 0):
Good luck!
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you are very close with you attempt. as Simba stated in his post, you will need to use a for loop. the code would like something like this:
n = int(input())
# the underscore is a placeholder instead of using a letter as a variable
for _ in range(0, n, 5):