+ 2
For building a E-learning website I need to learn which programming languages?
Please give answer
23 odpowiedzi
+ 5
HTML, CSS, JS at minimum to make any website.
You'll need a programming language on the server which could be JavaScript. PHP is popular on the server too.
SQL would be great for talking with a database.
If you use PHP, you could configure and customize Moodle( https://moodle.org/ ). Moodle is open source and designed with your goal of making an elearning site. If you don't care about making your site look unique or getting anyone to pay for courses through it, you could just use Moodle and configure it without programming anything.
If you're curious about what languages were used to make sololearn, they're using c# heavily on the server. The server would use ASP.net or ASP.net core and probably the Entity Framework for connecting with an Microsoft SQL Server database. They're also using Microsoft Azure for web/cloud hosting.
+ 2
I don't want to crush your dreams but it will be harder than you want or expect to make a profitable e-learning website. I tried and the person who paid me and gave all requirements was had a strong business education. It is very difficult to make it successful even if you have the technical skills and some business knowledge.
If you eventually want to build something like that with what you already know, the next step would be learning some PHP. Install WAMP or XAMPP on your computer. Do Sololearn's PHP course to learn a few basics about it. Try building your e-learning website on your computer with WAMP or XAMPP and learn as you go. Build from scratch. Forget what I said about Moodle for now.
+ 1
If you're really serious, you'll need a team of not just software developers but sales, marketing, e-commerce experts. You'll need more business skills than tech and get the money to pay your team. One of the very first things you should do is get a mentor who made a profitable e-learning website already and brainstorm with him or her.
Note that a good money making website isn't just a bunch of code. It is a business.
I actually created an e-learning website. It functioned well. It had all the features that the owner asked for. It let educators create course materials, course tests, chat with students, and accept payments from students through paypal. Hardly anyone ended up using the site, though. It failed to make money which is why I'm suggesting you focus more on the business matters before building this if you want this used by lots of people and to be financially successful. Finding someone who built a successful business related to e-learning would be an ideal person to connect with.
If this was a simple online learning site with courses and you didn't care about making a lot of money, my previous answer applies. If you just wanted tech skills to make one, my previous answer also applies. If you need tech skills to make a prototype, the previous answer also applies.
+ 1
There are multiple technology stack options to build any modern Web Application including E-Learning Platforms:
1. Backend Options: Django or NodeJS
2. Frontend Options: ReactJS/HTML5/CSS or AngularJS/HTML5/CSS
3. Database Options: MongoDB or PostgreSQL or MySQL
4. Authentication Options: Oauth2.0 or Kloak or OpenLDAP
5. Caching Options: Redis
6. Application Communication Options: Kafka or RabbitMQ
7. Webserver Options: Nginx + Apache
8. Certificates: Letsencrypt
9. Hosting Options: Digital Ocean or AWS or Google Cloud
10. CDN: Amazon cloud CDN services
11. Digital Marketting: Collaboration with Google Ads or Facebook Ad or Amazon
The difficult part is the functional features, adding really good content and marketting. If you want to know what functional features to develop, Moodle or MIT's OCW are good place to start with.
I wana build website like byju's,Vedantu,unacadmy,etc I want to provide free learning courses I don't want to charge money 💰
So how I can build like that☝️☝️ websites,which programming languages are needed I don't want to build a basic website.
So please, suggest me what I have to do
I am from middle class family in india and my parents didn't affordable to pay if I want to build my website than I have to work alone. No one will support me,that 's why I am learning coding And it is my dream project to build that website it will help many people,it will decrease unemployment In countries like India, pakistan, Bangladesh,china etc. So,now I am in class 8std and I am learning entrepreneurship amd digital marketing. So, I think it takes me lots of time to build that website.
I am working alone in this project.
And I am knowing only four programming languages HTML5, CSS3,JS,XML
Ok thanks for suggesting me
Whenever I have any doubt I can discuss with you please?
If you post in the Discuss area anyone may answer fairly quickly. Someone else could be faster than me. I probably won't spend as much time here after a few months.
So where I can ask
Are you using instagram
If yes then my ID is Shivang693
And your's?
On there I can ask please give me our Instagram Id
I really need help in building my site?
And I am too much passionate about this it will help many people.
Do you have a gmail email address or facebook profile to share? I don't chat on instagram.
My facebook id is Shivang dubey dubey
My Gmail account is dubeynita571@gmail.com
Please message me on my Facebook/G-mail I will reply
I emailed you on gmail.
Python programming
html css js
Python will be best