+ 13
Sololearn has a weak back-up system for challenges if the app crashes.
I lost a challenge in HTML just because the app crashed when I was on the first question and I have lost 32 XP too. 😣😣
14 odpowiedzi
+ 16
This is the reason why I hate phone calls during challengs
+ 13
@Arman how's that possible that the phone caller knows which question we are on and it is not sure for him to know those answers
+ 10
@Arman: Why would I call a person to ask a question for only that particular question? And probably the question was related to a line break! The moment I saw the question the app crashed
+ 9
@Jishnu: I just silence the call but sololearn should add an alternative for pausing the quiz when someone calls
+ 4
its becous you can get informashion from sombody with that phon call
+ 4
good point chirag
+ 4
@bharadwaj : then what's the point of challenges if the answer is given to you. The whole idea is to encourage the user find the answer on their own
+ 3
you can talk with that person and ask
+ 2
@Chirag..You are correct. I also lost couple of times because of app going to background during some call / crash 😒
+ 2
+ 2
but what if someone calls you during a challenge?
+ 2
@chirag good suggestion. Hopes sololearn can find this as an acceptable solution
+ 1
better never make a version of "Who wants to be a millionaire:sololearn edition" ask a friend is off the table :)
Answer should also be explained after the completion of challenge as the person will not repeat the same mistake again..