How to convert foot into centimeters c++?
Randomly Input Numbers
7 odpowiedzi
+ 2
1 foot is approximately 30.48 centimeters, so if you read input in foot unit, you multiply the input by 30.48 to get it in centimeter unit.
+ 2
Dear Asker,
1ft = 30.48cm
(might you understood)
+ 1
Can you tell me 1foot =how many cm?
The Number of foot you enter is randomly but the minimum is 1 and the maximum is 100?

Time Left: 4:23:59:48
Overall Score: 0/70
Current Rank: 57th
1. The FizzBuzz Game
by crazy asians
Let's play a game of FizzBuzz! It works just like the popular childhood game "PopCorn", but with rules of math applied since math is fun, right? Just print out "Fizz" when the given number is divisible by 3, "Buzz" when it's divisible by 5, and "FizzBuzz" when it's divisible by both 3 and 5!
Let the game begin!
Input Format
A line containing an integer.
Input Sample
Output Format
A line containing a string.
Output Sample

Time Left: 4:23:58:48
Overall Score: 0/70
Current Rank: 56th
1. Arraying 101
by crazy asians
I want you to make a array of numbers for me. All you have to do is make a program that will let me input any random integer in one line. Afterwards, it will then print out all the numbers I've inputted, on separate lines.
Care to do that for me?
Input Format
The first line contains the size of the array. The next line contains the integers separated by a space.
Input Sample
5 1·64·32·2·11
Output Format
Multiple lines containing integers on each.
Output Sample
1 64 32 2 11
- 2
Triple Slash
by crazy asians
Samurais are so awesome! I'd like to imitate their amazing sword skills some time but I just don't have the courage to harm myself, so I'd just like to print out three forward slashes (/) to digitally imitate the samurai's triple slash skill. Haha!
Sounds easy, right? Then code it now!
Output Format
Three lines with a single backslash symbol.
Output Sample