+ 1

What is the best way to improve?

I just started to learn coding.

27th Mar 2017, 10:09 PM
8 odpowiedzi
+ 11
Just program! Anything that you have learned! Useful programs, useless programs, something cool, it doesn't matter. writing code is the best way to get better if you have studied the basics in the language.
27th Mar 2017, 10:22 PM
J.G. - avatar
+ 11
CodeWars is a great site with programming challenges on it. I suggest learning with SL and practicing coding problems with CodeWars or other sites. Of course, learn from anywhere you can! Have fun coding!
27th Mar 2017, 10:30 PM
J.G. - avatar
+ 6
27th Mar 2017, 11:06 PM
Umut Dalkılıç
Umut Dalkılıç - avatar
+ 4
Try to look for different sources , always make exercices, change existing simple codes.. And the most important, Do not stop trying and learning new stuff! welcome to programming sir!
27th Mar 2017, 10:23 PM
Welliton Malta
Welliton Malta - avatar
+ 2
Google "Programming Challenges". You will find lots of projects and ideas to inspire you. The best way to improve is to try to make your programs more efficient. I think alot of programmers (myself included) take the easy way and dont bother improving when you "get the job done". I have recently started going more in depth on algorithms and making more efficient software. The best trick is to stay hungry and motivated.
27th Mar 2017, 10:26 PM
Edvard - avatar
+ 1
practice. then practice some more. anything that comes up, I code. a bit ago I saw a thing about a trick to multiply a 2 digit number by 11. I just posted a code that does it. definition of useless. why not just put 11*34? because that doesn't help me practice my coding. at work the other day someone asked how much they thought their jug of pennys was worth. sure, I could have used a calculator and divided the weight by 181. instead I wrote a program that figures it out. I was asked if I would rather have a million dollars today or a penny today that doubles everyday. I wrote a program to tell me what to do. My point, just code
27th Mar 2017, 11:19 PM
LordHill - avatar
+ 1
Learn to have fun with coding. It's the best way to improve.
28th Mar 2017, 2:50 AM
NirmallKiruthik - avatar
La mejor manera es practicar y practicar, si lo que quieres es mejorar en algún lenguaje te recomiendo que realices muchos proyectos en el lenguaje que más te guste o más te interesa, si lo que quieres es mejorar en la forma de programar te recomiendo que resuelvan muchos problemas no necesariamente con código sino también con pseudo-código al igual que con diagramas de flujo espero que esto te sea de ayuda
27th Mar 2017, 10:24 PM