What's wrong with this code ?
letters = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"] symbols = ['!', '@', '#', '
#x27;, '%', '&', '*'] num = ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0"] word = input() def split(kalima) : return list(kalima); let = split(word) def common_data(list1, list2): result = False for x in list1: for y in list2: if x == y: result = True return result return result def common_nums(list1 , list2) : for a in list1 : for c in list2 : if a == c : amf1 = 'good' for b in list1 : for d in list2 : if b == c : amf2 = 'good' if amf1 == amf2 : res = True return res return res if common_data(let , letters ) == True and common_nums(let , symbols ) == True and common_nums(let , num ) == True and len(let)>6: print("Strong") else : print("Weak")9 odpowiedzi
+ 1
1- First of all, you can shorten your code wigh a big one : why don't you try the string module:
from string import ascii_letters,digits,punctuation
2- Secondly: I don't like a function overwriting like the split() redefining.Just use a list compression like : a = [i for i in 'blablabla'].
3- Third on the go : at common_data() you can just return True or False without using any plus variable:
for ...:
for ...:
if x == y:
return True
return False
4- Four in a row : in common_nums() you actually have no variable called 'amf1' or 'amf2' in function scope, they are only in their 'if' branch respectively.Tha will cause an BIG ERROR !!!
So try to take ... for example a tuple:
res = (None,None) # for storing two results
then compare : if res[0] == res[1]
again without additional variable.
5- Lastly : Nice try !
I like your thought.
Fix it and share here to see your improvements 😄
Thanks so much !! But i didn't understand the 4th advice !!
Let me explain it again : if you know what 'variable scope' means, then you should see that the scope of amf1 and amf2 stands only inside the if branches , and not at main scope of the function , so they can't be used iutside of if branches.
That's why it will raise an error 😁
I get it , but how can I fix it?
Just declare a variable, like a tuple, to store the results :
result = ('neutral','neutral')
Then just change it's elements like :
if ... :
result[0] = 'good'
result[1] = 'bad'
from string import ascii_letters,digits,punctuation
letters = [i for i in ascii_letters ]
symbols = [i for i in punctuation ]
num = [i for i in digits ]
word = input()
let = list(word)
def common_data(list1, list2):
result = False
for x in list1:
for y in list2:
if x == y:
return True
return True
def common_nums(list1 , list2) :
amf2 = ['neuutral','neutral']
amf1 = ['neutral','neutral']
for a in list1 :
for c in list2 :
if a == c :
amf1[0] = 'good'
else :
amf1[1] = 'bad'
for b in list1 :
for d in list2 :
if b == c :
amf2[0] = 'good'
else :
amf2[1] = 'bad'
if amf1 == amf2 :
return True
return True
if common_data(let , letters ) == True and common_nums(let , symbols ) == True and common_nums(let , num ) == True and
How about this ?
Now is better 😁
Don't forget to see for improvements
Thanks ☺️