Hi I'm new to this app

can u please help me to tight way to lean python

30th Jul 2021, 1:12 PM
S V Rishwanth
S V Rishwanth - avatar
2 odpowiedzi
30th Jul 2021, 1:15 PM
Rellot's screwdriver
Rellot's screwdriver - avatar
+ 2
Python is considered easiest language so it'll be easy to learn. But it depends for what you are learning python i.e., for making game, for machine learnings , any other •For games or other you should 1. Python for beginners 2. Python intermediate 3. Python Core •For machine learning 1.You should know some mathematical algorithms. 2. Same for •games or other 3. You should know Data Science, what is machine learning, and data structures. (In any of the two cases don't forget to practice each time you learn something new because practice makes a man perfect)
30th Jul 2021, 6:26 PM