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Window Form using Node.js
Hello all, is there any possibility that I can make window form using Node.js which will be draw on other applications of Windows?
13 odpowiedzi
+ 5
Yes, you could build window desktop applications using electron.js
Electron.js allows for the development of desktop GUI applications using web technologies: it combines the Chromium rendering engine and the Node.js runtime.
+ 4
Hamdan Farooq ipcMain is the interprocess communication method between election app and web pages, which is different from what interprocess that Martin Taylor has mentioned.
+ 3
Hamdan Farooq Follow the following steps to setup a basic desktop application using election.js.
// Quickstart of simple electron app
// commands to run to setup electron package in node.js
npm init -y
npm i -D electron
// modified package.json
"main": "main.js"
"script": {
"start": "electron ."
// create index.htmk and add content in
// run electron app from main.js
import {app, BrowserWindow} = require(electron);
app.whenReady.then(() => {
const win = new BrowserWindow({
width: 800,
height: 600
// to compile the desktop application, run command
npm start
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I can't imagine why you would want to use Node over C# for winforms...
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I never said I will use node over c# I am working with react.js node.js and react native also. And currently I am doing demo project for more practicing that is why I am asking. Aleksei Radchenkov
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Oh ok, you surely can make .net app that connects to socket.io:
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Aleksei Radchenkov Thank you.
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Martin Taylor you are saying right I have found ipcMain (for the communication)
Calviղ Thank you
Calviղ thanks I was searching for interprocess communication and I misunderstood ipcMain.
Thanks Calviղ. My application has been completed the only thing that I am struggling on now is to activate mouse event true when pressing any key (in my case is 'z') and disabling mouse Event on pressing key(in my case is 'x').
@Hamdan Farooq, I am also working on the same thing I want to call my C# classes code behind Electron UI. Can you help me out?