+ 3
Good and Evil. Did evil really win?
I asked myself this question today, "Would a superhero, Spider-man for example, be able to be a superhero in our world today and survive?" If your answer is yes, then GOOD wins, if your answer is no then EVIL wins. The answer with the most upvotes determines the winner.
17 odpowiedzi
+ 7
In order to discover the true meaning of this question, look at the reasons of the answers that are "No" instead of the reasons of the answers that are "Yes". Because the reasons of the answers that are "Yes" are based on Hope and Optimism whilst the reasons of the answers that are "No" are based on Fact and Reality.
+ 13
I think it all depends on your ability and how careful you are with it
+ 13
Final answer: yes
+ 12
Have you lot seen KickAss 1&2? Might be relevant here somehow...
Also, the world won't have any superheroes as long as there are no supervillians
+ 5
So let's say I don't want to allow evil to win @Brandon, can I then be a hero in today's life and survive?
+ 5
@Jafca good point but is your answer yes or no, think very carefully 😊
+ 4
No, because the world is full of surveillance, he will be caught by the law if not by organised crime.
+ 4
But @Brandon, do you think that a superhero can survive in today's life?
+ 4
nope lol I've thought about this quite awhile ago too...the only somewhat realistic superhero (Batman) would be shut down by the law immediately. the laws here (Canada) give a lot of protection to criminals (or people committing crime). so, if a superhero apprehended a criminal in a somewhat "violent" manner, the superhero could be criminally liable for their actions, no matter how good the intention.
+ 3
evil only wins if you allow it to win.
+ 3
😂😂😂 Touché @Jafca touché
+ 3
Hey @Jc Jeacanie Llido, my technique is that I'm currently challenging only new comers to Sololearn because it mostly guarantees a win for me. The thing is that I'm trying to unlock this badge called "Epic", where you HAVE to win 50 challenges in a row. So I can't afford to draw with someone, that's why I challenge only new comers and that's why it seems, from your perspective, that I'm good but believe me I'm still learning as well. 😊
+ 3
Thanks @Jc Jeacanie Llido but I have to decline your offer, it won't be an honest win. When I get that badge then I want to feel that I've earned it, because even challenging the lower levels, I still get draws and then have to start all over again. I've failed 3 times so far but that's okay, because then I know I'm not cheating. 😉
+ 3
And @Jc Jeacanie Llido, I am good in HTML but still have a lot to learn. Check out my codes though to see my skills. 😉